
With a population of about 29,000, Needham sits in a prime location, sharing borders with Newton, Westwood, Boston, Dover, Dedham, and Wellesley, and offering easy access to Interstate 95 and the commuter rail. After a population boom in the 1950s, Needham is still thriving, thanks to an influx of new industries and that highly regarded school system.

The Town of Needham is located on rocky uplands within a loop of the Charles River in the eastern section of Norfolk County, Massachusetts, bordered by Wellesley on the west and northwest, Newton on the north and northeast, the West Roxbury section of Boston on the east, Dedham on the southeast and south, and Westwood and Dover on the south. Needham is 10 miles southwest of Boston, 29 miles east of Worcester, and about 208 miles from New York City. Total Area is 12.75 square miles.

With a population of about 29,000, Needham sits in a prime location, sharing borders with Newton, Westwood, Boston, Dover, Dedham, and Wellesley, and offering easy access to Interstate 95 and the commuter rail. After a population boom in the 1950s, Needham is still thriving, thanks to an influx of new industries and that highly regarded school system.

For a relatively small suburb, Needham has an impressive culinary scene. In Needham Center you can find quality Thai food at The Rice Barn, and on Great Plain Avenue, The Farmhouse boasts farm-to-table cuisine. Cafe Fresh Bagel and Bagels’ Best have both mastered their namesake. Hearth Pizzeria is known for its unique specials and fresh ingredients.
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About the Neighborhood

Great schools
Easy commutes
Good transit
Streets are well-lit
Great hospitals

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